Perfil de Facebook de Juan Antonio Castillo Gallardo

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

United Arab Emirates: My Only Wish

Hello bloggers and classmates, today my worl is to speak about a place or country that I really want to know, to discover, and maybe to live a days there.
The country of my dreams, is United Arab Emirates, maybe you know by its famous capital city, Dubai. I really had wanted to travel there, because is a country and culture very interesting, is a ideal mix between the east and west world.
I knew United Arab Emirates (UAE) watched Discovery Channel, in a tv program called 'Megaconstructions'. In this program had a special dedicated to Dubai, this city is very rich, and actually Dubai is considered the future city. Its builts are very ambitious, for example the city have the Burj Dubai Tower, this tower is the higher in the world. Also, there will be built the new tower that will be moved with the wind.

Maybe, the structures more famous are the Palms Islands and the World, are artificial islands, all a challenger for its architect.
Why I chose Dubai? This city and this country is a financial center very important for Middle East, is a pacific country, and a place very nice and interesting for you can go of holidays, to work, to study or to live. Actually exist a program for you can go to work there.
My dream is know in live Dubai, maybe like students, or worker (diplomatic or other), but a holidays there must are incredible. The city have the bigger mall in the World. Ahahaha..


  1. hello juanin..
    firstof all,thank for help mew whit my blog.
    I know that you love the arab culture and I hope you can travel, enojoy and take many photographies.

    see you soon¨=)

  2. Incredible!I had never thought of going so far away and even different country. In addition you would have to spend a lot of money! =) When you go, Could you invite me? =P
    It's a joke...

    See you soon, greetings

  3. Ohh I saw the Discovery too, but I don't remember if I saw the Burj Dubai Tower or another building in the middle east, there is a lot of money there!

    See you Juanin!
