Perfil de Facebook de Juan Antonio Castillo Gallardo

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Importance of Sport

Hello today my work is tell about sport and its importance to individual and to a nation.

Personally I practice sport, I am swimming in my university and I like to ride a bicycle and sometimes I skate, is very fun and healthy. I think that the practice of some sport or other psychical activity is very necessary to our body and our mind, because the sport helps to we for distract of the problem, the work, the stress, and we can became more integrals if we encourage our mind and body.

The sport has very property to we. Among other things it helps to our system muscular, cardiac, nervous, osseous, also this keeps you with a balance weigh. In the psychical area, the sport helps to self-esteem, to sociability with other people and the environment.

For a nation the sport is very important, because for example, it is used for rehab, or encourage a health activity in marginal areas and just among other things, because the sport to sold a image country worried for their people.

In Chile during the last years began a national plan for incentive to people to do sport, for example, today have cycle lane, new stadium, more sport program finances for the state, and I believe that the nation is invest more financing in this area. Is important too that the old people practice sport or dance, may be more convenient for they.

Actually some activity are considered like sport, but in my opinion this isn’t a sport, for example popular activity such as ‘rodeo’ en Chile or ‘corridas de toro’ en España, or the hunting, dogfight, etc. I believe this activity damage the animals and is not health to our body or mind.
In the picture you can see the damage did to the little cow.

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