Perfil de Facebook de Juan Antonio Castillo Gallardo

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Me and Santiago

Hello classmates and bloggers, today I will speak about my city, Santiago de Chile. I was born in Santiago, and I had life all my life in this city, actually I studied in this city. My city is very beautiful, interesting, and to me, Santiago always has been unknowed, this always have something new, a new place, building, and so on.
In Santiago I moved between different places, but the places more visited for me are malls, because this have a lot of shops, such as restaurants, cinema, music shop, 'fun center' among other things. Other places that I visit but with not frequently are 'Fantasilandia', this is a funfair, the Zoo too, and I very like it because I love the animal, my favorite zoo are Buin Zoo and Zoo of Santiago, I visit it in summer. Well, Santiago has a lot of interesting places.
For example, a foreign tourist visit Santiago, in my opinion he must visit the center of city, because here are the historic built, that show our history, but is interesting too because show the contrast with the modern built, the modern Chile.

Other historic places, and very interesting to a tourist is know the 'Cementerio General' that is a cementery, very beautiful and loaded of stories. Is ideal visit it in the night, I believe that the fear add something very special of the story teller. Maybe this places is very dismal, but I like it.
If the tourist wants know other tipic builts, he can visit the Goverment Palace, or ex-Parlament, but if wants adventures, he can go to sky center 'Valle Nevado' or can do rafting in San José de Maipo, in the south-west near to Santiago.
My TOP 5: Places recommended in Santiago

5.- Cerro Santa Lucía:

Historic place, with beautiful builts and paronamic of the city. The entry to the park is free. In this places you can met more tourist, I recommend go with camera.

4.- Palacio Cousiño:

The Palace Cousiño is a beautiful palace, it was used with hotel, this palace has an arquicture of new clasic french style, are in Toesca Metro Station.

3.- Zoológico de Santiago:

If you have children, you can visit the Zoo, where you can see native species and 'international' animal. The children are enchanted with puma, pudú, and the other animals.

2.- Santiago Centro:

The center of city have a lot built declarated historic monument,
the arquitecture is loaded for the history of the Chile.

1.- Cementerio General:

Dismal places, the cementery is a places loaded of stories,
is better that go to the cinema or a thriller movie.
For the family.

1 comment:

  1. I think that cemetery is a freak place to visit in Santiago, but very insteresting too.
    In general the civic centre are very insteresting....

    See you soon
