Perfil de Facebook de Juan Antonio Castillo Gallardo

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Importance of Sport

Hello today my work is tell about sport and its importance to individual and to a nation.

Personally I practice sport, I am swimming in my university and I like to ride a bicycle and sometimes I skate, is very fun and healthy. I think that the practice of some sport or other psychical activity is very necessary to our body and our mind, because the sport helps to we for distract of the problem, the work, the stress, and we can became more integrals if we encourage our mind and body.

The sport has very property to we. Among other things it helps to our system muscular, cardiac, nervous, osseous, also this keeps you with a balance weigh. In the psychical area, the sport helps to self-esteem, to sociability with other people and the environment.

For a nation the sport is very important, because for example, it is used for rehab, or encourage a health activity in marginal areas and just among other things, because the sport to sold a image country worried for their people.

In Chile during the last years began a national plan for incentive to people to do sport, for example, today have cycle lane, new stadium, more sport program finances for the state, and I believe that the nation is invest more financing in this area. Is important too that the old people practice sport or dance, may be more convenient for they.

Actually some activity are considered like sport, but in my opinion this isn’t a sport, for example popular activity such as ‘rodeo’ en Chile or ‘corridas de toro’ en España, or the hunting, dogfight, etc. I believe this activity damage the animals and is not health to our body or mind.
In the picture you can see the damage did to the little cow.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Me and Santiago

Hello classmates and bloggers, today I will speak about my city, Santiago de Chile. I was born in Santiago, and I had life all my life in this city, actually I studied in this city. My city is very beautiful, interesting, and to me, Santiago always has been unknowed, this always have something new, a new place, building, and so on.
In Santiago I moved between different places, but the places more visited for me are malls, because this have a lot of shops, such as restaurants, cinema, music shop, 'fun center' among other things. Other places that I visit but with not frequently are 'Fantasilandia', this is a funfair, the Zoo too, and I very like it because I love the animal, my favorite zoo are Buin Zoo and Zoo of Santiago, I visit it in summer. Well, Santiago has a lot of interesting places.
For example, a foreign tourist visit Santiago, in my opinion he must visit the center of city, because here are the historic built, that show our history, but is interesting too because show the contrast with the modern built, the modern Chile.

Other historic places, and very interesting to a tourist is know the 'Cementerio General' that is a cementery, very beautiful and loaded of stories. Is ideal visit it in the night, I believe that the fear add something very special of the story teller. Maybe this places is very dismal, but I like it.
If the tourist wants know other tipic builts, he can visit the Goverment Palace, or ex-Parlament, but if wants adventures, he can go to sky center 'Valle Nevado' or can do rafting in San José de Maipo, in the south-west near to Santiago.
My TOP 5: Places recommended in Santiago

5.- Cerro Santa Lucía:

Historic place, with beautiful builts and paronamic of the city. The entry to the park is free. In this places you can met more tourist, I recommend go with camera.

4.- Palacio Cousiño:

The Palace Cousiño is a beautiful palace, it was used with hotel, this palace has an arquicture of new clasic french style, are in Toesca Metro Station.

3.- Zoológico de Santiago:

If you have children, you can visit the Zoo, where you can see native species and 'international' animal. The children are enchanted with puma, pudú, and the other animals.

2.- Santiago Centro:

The center of city have a lot built declarated historic monument,
the arquitecture is loaded for the history of the Chile.

1.- Cementerio General:

Dismal places, the cementery is a places loaded of stories,
is better that go to the cinema or a thriller movie.
For the family.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Music Again!!

Hello classmates and bloggers, today I am going to tell you about music.
For me, music is very important, because it is the soundtrack of my life, I think that all people have their own soundtrack.

My favorite kinds of music are pop, rock, latin. I have a blog dedicated to my favorite songs, in that blog I upload some ranking, for example. It is very good fun, and I do it in my free time or when I don't have homework.

I listen to this music for different moods, when I am happy, sad, bored or nostalgic, I listen to music to change my mood or to get into this feeling.

My favorite songs are downloaded from programs such as Ares, Youtube or other, but I don't remember the name now. Ares is very fast, but it downloads a lot of computer viruses, so I changed to Youtube, in U-tube, you can write the name of the song that you want, with the words: ''download''. And always you find the song that you want to hear.

I follow some artist, but I'm not a really fan of some artist, for example, I like a singer, but I like his music, I don't interested in his life detail, his scandals... yes, because is a fun gossip. My favorite pop star Britney Spears, in the rock, my favorite band are: Staind, Coldplay, My Chemical Brothers, and my latin favorite artists are: Shakira, Alex Ubago, La Oreja de Van Gogh, and a lot of spanish artist and band.

I hear this artist because they and their music accompany me in my different times of my life, moods, and special moments.

For example I use music to when I do different things, to study or when I am doing a homerwork or paper, I usually hear latin music, because is generally slow, like ballads. Sometimes I heard english ballad too, so I can be quiet working. When I am happy, I hear pop, dance or other kind of music, I like the percussion in the music, and when I am sad I hear rock music or ballad, because is more intense.

The music isn't just an accompaniment in my life, because this save my best/worse times of my life. I don't know that I am doing without music.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My TranSantiago Experience

Hello classmates and bloggers, today I must tell you about my opinion of Transantiago, the public transport system in my city, 'Santiago de Chile'.
I had never used public transport, but when I began to go to Pre-U, I had to learn to use this system, and this year the transantiago began too. It was very complicated in that moment, because I didn't have idea about this system, I just knew about it by the news, bad news.
I remember that I leaved from pre-u in the night, and the bus delayed very much. The system was very disorganized and a madness. A year later, the system was better, or I believe it. Maybe was because I went to class in the University in the afternoon, so in that hours the bus and Metro was free. But the problem began in the night again.
The bus was few by a lot of people. The demand was biggest. The minister said ''the public transport keeps getting better, more busses and more exclusive road by its''. The system really looked better, but even lacked.
This year, I think that system to be better. Now the number of busses is greater, and the exclusive road by busses helps very much, because the trip is faster. The metro in the morning keeps full, and the trip on it, is very uncomfortable.
I would like some changes in the transports system (busses and subway) for that better. For example, more transport culture for the people, more busses on the street, more frecuently.
(To be continued..)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

United Arab Emirates: My Only Wish

Hello bloggers and classmates, today my worl is to speak about a place or country that I really want to know, to discover, and maybe to live a days there.
The country of my dreams, is United Arab Emirates, maybe you know by its famous capital city, Dubai. I really had wanted to travel there, because is a country and culture very interesting, is a ideal mix between the east and west world.
I knew United Arab Emirates (UAE) watched Discovery Channel, in a tv program called 'Megaconstructions'. In this program had a special dedicated to Dubai, this city is very rich, and actually Dubai is considered the future city. Its builts are very ambitious, for example the city have the Burj Dubai Tower, this tower is the higher in the world. Also, there will be built the new tower that will be moved with the wind.

Maybe, the structures more famous are the Palms Islands and the World, are artificial islands, all a challenger for its architect.
Why I chose Dubai? This city and this country is a financial center very important for Middle East, is a pacific country, and a place very nice and interesting for you can go of holidays, to work, to study or to live. Actually exist a program for you can go to work there.
My dream is know in live Dubai, maybe like students, or worker (diplomatic or other), but a holidays there must are incredible. The city have the bigger mall in the World. Ahahaha..