Perfil de Facebook de Juan Antonio Castillo Gallardo

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Technology, and what you're thinking?

The technology in this time is very important; this has entry too in our lives that it has converted in something indispensable, the technologies cover all range from knowledge, communication, education, entertainment, science and a lot of other areas. The society of this time is called the knowledge society, mainly because the technology and the access to it have open us the possibility of we have more access to information that in other times don't have. Also today the access to the information is very fast and cheap, this permit that the people are informed constantly over things that are happening in anywhere of the world. Is important too, the paper of the scientists and technologic advances has bettered the quality of life of the people, for example in areas as health, education, or integration with the other cultures.

From a beginning, the technology always has helped to men, for example, in the prehistory the technology was the reflect of the abstraction and the intelligent of the men that looking the examples and models in the nature made new tools for better live style. So we can understand that the concept technology cover or keeps integrated to the society, culture and environment.

So now we could think, what is the impact of the technology in the human activity? (as culture, society, and our relation with the world). Can we understand the positives or negatives changes that it have created? Or, what has been bettered, wors, valorized, our thinking can change with the technologies or new advances?

A lot of things, such as custom, beliefs religion, or the ethic self have been changed by cause of the new tech, so is this tool capable of reinvented our society and our world, are we seeing the true power that the technology gives to the humanity? are we using in the correct form this power or our society and the world have been lost the old ethical values, the family unity, and the balance with our environment?

The technology is a permanent revolution to the human existing, is this so a important factor for be considered in the next human evolution?

The objective of this little text is create or give a new vision about the paper of the tech in our lives, give to know the potential that we have in our hands and that many times we used of bad form.

The objective of this little text is create or give a new vision about the paper of the tech in our lives, give to know the potential that we have in our hands and that many times we used of bad form. Also is a call of attention for that we remember that in the actual society the human too is a be integral, and that they must integrate all the dimensions of the life for live of total form and in harmony with the environment (social, spiritual, natural, etc.). Each time you use technology realizes what it means to you, for society and for our world.

PD: I owe you the photo.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Three Years after the End, True or False?

Hello Bloggers, Do you like my title?

Today I have the homework of write a post about the most impact new of the year. Really I think in a lot of news such as: when Obama was elected president of United States (it was this year?), the Michael Jackson’s death, or Chile go to South Africa, but the news that catch my attention in this moment for I am write for us, was ‘Two Moon’ and the ‘2012’ the movie.

This year the International Planetarium of Vancouver of British Columbia Canada calculated that on August 27th Mars orbited very near our planet, so near that we could see two moon, this astronomic moment was sight in South Asia the August 30th. (You can watch video in Youtube, just click here). The fact was predicted for the Mayas with similar precision. The astronomic fact won’t sight in more than 287 years.

Well, you are wondering, what want I say? This week was released ‘2012’ a movie about the end of the world, principally based on the Mayan prophecies (some as Christians apocalypses) but with a calendar support and hundred years of observation of the skies. They predicted that in the 2012 the world not end, but change to a new age more spiritual, so is real this ‘prophecies of the end of the world’. I do not know where born this idea, but the movie comes to feed this myth and the formula has well result.

In this decade exists a preoccupation for our world, for repair the damage that the humanity has done to our environment. And I believe that the prophecies and this movie come to realize a wake-up call about that we are doing.

A new important to me is considerer this fact that from some form reaffirm the Mayan culture, so if we (as humanity) become a best civilization (or not) our world even can be saved. Consciousness exists, but we needs more action. (If you want watch action, the movie is totally recommended).

See you in my last post.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Challenges In My Discipline

Hello classmates and bloggers, today I am going to talk about challenges in my career, I am studying Public Management, and in my career we use frequently the TICs, in english is called Information and Communication technologies, but in our education (course structure) we have to learn to use some computer programs and some subjects that we should use, for example statistics. And this class doesn’t teach it, so it is very difficult that we work with programs such as: SPSS, E-View, among other things. In this class we learn to use other programs like Excel, but this isn’t very modern nor very efficient.

So, I believe that the challenge of this career is to incorporate more technology in our professional training. We used the technologies in other class, for example English, Methodology, and no more subjects, but in subjects from the math area even they need to add more technologies.

In our future as public managers the technology can help to resolve the social problem, and for example, the studies about the population need that the investigators, public managers and other professionals work efficiently and the technology as tools can give it agility in the process.

The politics about public management in Chile have covered this matter, for example in the last decades, the public services have experimented the called ‘modernization of the state’. It is the incorporation of technology, technocrats to better the services, the process, the timeout and no only this, also in the last years, the greater investment in technology to public schools and hospitals to better the quality of public education and health, so the technology isn’t only important for my career but for all jobs.

More technologies entail training[1], but this also teach when you are professional should be taught in the school and the university, for example this are people in the university that don’t know all things that you can do with computer program very popular such as: Word, Power Point, etc. And it success because in the school, and the university don’t have got a subject specialty dedicated for it.

Good bye!!
[1] Capacitación.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

माय फकुल्टी ...

Hello classmates, today I’m going to talk about my faculty and my situation in it.
My faculty is called Government School, and it is in a very, very old building. The building is a historic monument and for us it is something that can be interesting, but it is a bit dangerous, because the structure looks very unsafe in case of an earthquake.

But in other things, it not only the building, but the services that this offer aren’t good or very comfortable, for example the lab room where the computers are, opens or is available in the afternoon, so this is so complicated for the students that do not have access to internet at home.

Also, the reading room closes very early, and I prefer to read my text or books here in my school than in my house, because this is a very quiet place and my house always has noise. And for example when I must to study some subject, in general my sister that is very little r maybe not, but she plays with much noise, shout for joy, and when she invite to her friend is unsupportable, but in occasions is very fun but when I don’t have thinks for study.

Well, the problem here is the timetables of availability for to do use of lab, library and reading room, it is operated until 4.30 pm and the class finish at 7.30 pm. So exist three hours lost or exist a contradiction in the offer of services, if you need a text for your class and the library is closed, what do you do? How can you work without it?

I believe that the solution is simple, only they must change the timetables and of this form the students can obtain much benefits for study or share time with your mates.

Actually the theme was taken for the mates that wanted to be elected such representative, because they like student know that a lot of students is complicated with it. Now are days with timetable until 7.30 pm.

Exist other problem in my faculty, for example the change of building or the re-estructuration of our subjects mesh but it is other story.

pd: My title in Hindi again??... why??!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

फ्री टाइम

Hello bloggers... I don't know why my title is in Hindi.
Well... my title says: Free Time. Yes, because today I am goin' to talk about the free time and the technology.

Today, the technology exists for everything, for example do a task now takes much less time than before the invent the internet, with this tool, the time to find the information needed is less, however it is too much information to process, and perhaps that is now a new obstacle in time. But, my question is: used the people better the time with all technology exists today?. For example, if the people used the time for they practice some sport, read or share with your family.

Now, I for example have all night and friday free, but in the week my nights are for my studies, so my free day is the friday and sometimes my weekends. And I believe that I don't use my time of a good form. Maybe I listen to music, or I practice sports, but exist things that maybe escape this.

For example in the Old Greece, the free time was used for philosophize and I believe that I don't this, but this not mean that I don't think in important thing... Know you? I lost my idea until writing. Ahh!! I remember…

In the Old Greece: ‘the free time is the origin of the all vices’ and is phrase is true, in the truth the vices are development because we have a lot of free time, but exists vices that don’t need free time for do it, for example: smoke, or eat guilty pleasure. I love chocolate, but isn’t my vices. The free time permit think in various some, in big things, or ideas, for example I believe that the free time permits think in a big science theory, or geographic discovery. If I have more free time and a lot of money I travel for the world or I could write a book or tales, because I really like write, but I don’t organize very good my time, maybe is caused because the technology and some website make me lose my time in silliness.

Well… now I leave this post, because I must study for a test of accounting.

Bye bye!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

News about UK.

This week I go to talk about a new from The Guardian, a new of United Kingdom about an area connected with my career, for example politics, business or education.

Well, I saw a new about the unemployment, in UK now (post-recession). The unemployment rose a number by less of the hope by the economist, it is very well, because mean that the economy is better.

Since sixteen mounth that the unemployment didn't rise a good number. Among other thing, the news had a balance about the crisis. They called it the worse since the second wars, beside this news said about the people more affected to cause of unemployment, such a black man and beside it shows that the men have seen more affected that the women.

In a first time, we can see a racial problem. The goverment are continuing the inversment even during the face deepest moment of recession and the result are visible, the youth employment are growing, well I learn in my class of macroeconomic, that for a country go out from under (a crisis), the goverment must help to consume of the people, for this form to cause a increment in the production and so the company claim for more workers.

So, this process is been used for the UK's goverment and other country. Is very interesting to see that I learn something that is real and it is a good solution for the social problem.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Importance of Sport

Hello today my work is tell about sport and its importance to individual and to a nation.

Personally I practice sport, I am swimming in my university and I like to ride a bicycle and sometimes I skate, is very fun and healthy. I think that the practice of some sport or other psychical activity is very necessary to our body and our mind, because the sport helps to we for distract of the problem, the work, the stress, and we can became more integrals if we encourage our mind and body.

The sport has very property to we. Among other things it helps to our system muscular, cardiac, nervous, osseous, also this keeps you with a balance weigh. In the psychical area, the sport helps to self-esteem, to sociability with other people and the environment.

For a nation the sport is very important, because for example, it is used for rehab, or encourage a health activity in marginal areas and just among other things, because the sport to sold a image country worried for their people.

In Chile during the last years began a national plan for incentive to people to do sport, for example, today have cycle lane, new stadium, more sport program finances for the state, and I believe that the nation is invest more financing in this area. Is important too that the old people practice sport or dance, may be more convenient for they.

Actually some activity are considered like sport, but in my opinion this isn’t a sport, for example popular activity such as ‘rodeo’ en Chile or ‘corridas de toro’ en España, or the hunting, dogfight, etc. I believe this activity damage the animals and is not health to our body or mind.
In the picture you can see the damage did to the little cow.