The technology in this time is very important; this has entry too in our lives that it has converted in something indispensable, the technologies cover all range from knowledge, communication, education, entertainment, science and a lot of other areas. The society of this time is called the knowledge society, mainly because the technology and the access to it have open us the possibility of we have more access to information that in other times don't have. Also today the access to the information is very fast and cheap, this permit that the people are informed constantly over things that are happening in anywhere of the world. Is important too, the paper of the scientists and technologic advances has bettered the quality of life of the people, for example in areas as health, education, or integration with the other cultures.
From a beginning, the technology always has helped to men, for example, in the prehistory the technology was the reflect of the abstraction and the intelligent of the men that looking the examples and models in the nature made new tools for better live style. So we can understand that the concept technology cover or keeps integrated to the society, culture and environment.
So now we could think, what is the impact of the technology in the human activity? (as culture, society, and our relation with the world). Can we understand the positives or negatives changes that it have created? Or, what has been bettered, wors, valorized, our thinking can change with the technologies or new advances?
A lot of things, such as custom, beliefs religion, or the ethic self have been changed by cause of the new tech, so is this tool capable of reinvented our society and our world, are we seeing the true power that the technology gives to the humanity? are we using in the correct form this power or our society and the world have been lost the old ethical values, the family unity, and the balance with our environment?
The technology is a permanent revolution to the human existing, is this so a important factor for be considered in the next human evolution?
The objective of this little text is create or give a new vision about the paper of the tech in our lives, give to know the potential that we have in our hands and that many times we used of bad form.
The objective of this little text is create or give a new vision about the paper of the tech in our lives, give to know the potential that we have in our hands and that many times we used of bad form. Also is a call of attention for that we remember that in the actual society the human too is a be integral, and that they must integrate all the dimensions of the life for live of total form and in harmony with the environment (social, spiritual, natural, etc.). Each time you use technology realizes what it means to you, for society and for our world.
PD: I owe you the photo.
ReplyDeletei agree with you about the technology change the culture in a society. This situacion cause advantages and desanvantages because you can comunnicate whit many people at the same time but you dont have real intertaction whit he or she.
see tou soon!