Perfil de Facebook de Juan Antonio Castillo Gallardo

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

माय फकुल्टी ...

Hello classmates, today I’m going to talk about my faculty and my situation in it.
My faculty is called Government School, and it is in a very, very old building. The building is a historic monument and for us it is something that can be interesting, but it is a bit dangerous, because the structure looks very unsafe in case of an earthquake.

But in other things, it not only the building, but the services that this offer aren’t good or very comfortable, for example the lab room where the computers are, opens or is available in the afternoon, so this is so complicated for the students that do not have access to internet at home.

Also, the reading room closes very early, and I prefer to read my text or books here in my school than in my house, because this is a very quiet place and my house always has noise. And for example when I must to study some subject, in general my sister that is very little r maybe not, but she plays with much noise, shout for joy, and when she invite to her friend is unsupportable, but in occasions is very fun but when I don’t have thinks for study.

Well, the problem here is the timetables of availability for to do use of lab, library and reading room, it is operated until 4.30 pm and the class finish at 7.30 pm. So exist three hours lost or exist a contradiction in the offer of services, if you need a text for your class and the library is closed, what do you do? How can you work without it?

I believe that the solution is simple, only they must change the timetables and of this form the students can obtain much benefits for study or share time with your mates.

Actually the theme was taken for the mates that wanted to be elected such representative, because they like student know that a lot of students is complicated with it. Now are days with timetable until 7.30 pm.

Exist other problem in my faculty, for example the change of building or the re-estructuration of our subjects mesh but it is other story.

pd: My title in Hindi again??... why??!!

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